Inverness College's former Midmills building update - demolition completed, and now the new building work is underway. Pity I couldn't get closer... or didn't compose this much better. Perhaps should lose the top half of the frame.

End of another spool. Black & White next, which should provide an answer to the contrast issues of the past two spools - the film or the camera?

Edit: Some Internet research seems to have found the most likely cause of the camera's contrast issues - lens haze. This model is quite prone to the issue. Caused by muck collecting on internal surfaces, possibly from the aperture blades, or the shutter mechanism. Supposedly taking the lens apart and cleaning one of the internal elements is all that's usually required. Being the type of person that's always taking things apart, I think I'll pass this one on to those that specialise in such matters. Especially as it's old, and spares are unlikely to be available if I make a mistake. If it was worth less (not worthless!), I'd also be more inclined to have a go.

Yashica Mat-124G : f/8 : 1/45" : 80mm : ISO100

Lens: Yashinon 80mm f/3.5
Film: Kodak Ektar 100 (Colour negative)

[Frame : 12]

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