Out early to, guess what, another vide grenier. Highlights this time included several dvds, some fab plants (papyrus) and a long chat with a much missed neighbour. Home in time for a pre-lunch snack, lunch proper and a slow slide into dinner prep. It was super hot today ("sheesh, too hot for wine" said Mr B, uncharacteristically) so just lots of lounging around.
Later, CarbBoy needed a photo for a french homework project (this one). He's reading Baudelaire, in case you felt the need to know. Or <air quotes> reading <end air quotes> as he put it when he told his Dad later.
Dinner was a fabulous roast lamb with pretty much literally all the trimmings, including potatoes 3 ways, too many veg (again) and Yorkshires (obvs). I even managed to scavenge enough mint from the garden for sauce. The dinner, planned for a few weeks now, was in honour of a very fine wine (Talbot, 2000) which assuredly did not disappoint.
Mr B then confessed that he has somewhat lost touch with the organisation who is storing other wine for us... so that's tomorrow's urgent job sorted (I'm sure my middle eastern client will totally understand me prioritising that job!)
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