The Godfather

I can't believe this is the only photo I have of today...MUST do better tomorrow!
Asha was utterly delighted to wake up & find Texas on the sofa!!
After a leisurely breakfast, everyone went off 'bikaling' whilst I stayed home and finished preparing my stuff for the evening.
A DVD and then delicious lunch (well done Danny - steak and chips with mushrooms & tomatoes)...naps then church. It was all about the women tonight; Maleni leading worship, Jud sharing her testimony & me speaking.

Drama of the day;
My aunt and uncle having to cancel their trip here which was due next week... An unexpected but totally understandable something has come up... But I still feel gutted. Hoping my cousin Loz will be coming anyway.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's love of Texas. Maybe being away from family means she feels these ties and relationships even more strongly...maybe...
2) Meeting a fellow Brummie at church tonight!
3) Texas being here.

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