The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Painswick Feast Procession

As a stallholder, I get invited to a variety of events. Today's was the Painswick Feast, a community day held in the churchyard, which included a procession of parishioners and dignitaries and a ceremony known as clypping, an ancient tradition revived in Victorian times, which involves singing a special hymn while holding hands in a circle around the church, and doing a sort of Auld Lang Syne-style dance. The concept is that of embracing the church at the heart of the village.

There was also a dog show, a parachuting of teddies from the church tower, a concert, a church service with a sermon preached by Bishop Rachel ( yes, she's a woman!) .and much much more...

I didn't sell as many cards as expected. There were too many distractions for the would-be customers. Plus, with my gazebo pitched on a sloping bank and people taking short cuts through it, I wondered how long it would be before someone clonked their head on the metal frame. I ended up making barricades out of string and shopping trolleys.Further proof that I now have Oldladyitis.

Still, it was certainly an interesting day, and the rain held off. When I got home I had a rest, before setting about making cauliflower and broccoli cheese for supper. Such was my Sunday.

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