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By pplnani


...........or.........Blip One Get One Free. ;-))

I finally managed to get out for a walk over the fields......and what a lovely day it was for it too :-)
The birds were putting on a fantastic flying display right overhead ( I couldn't pick just one to blip, so you have them both ) but even though these are separate photos the Kite and the Buzzard were flying together for a while ( see second extra ) ..........that's something I've never seen before......has anyone else ever seen it?
I also saw another bird of prey ( see first extra) but I'm not sure what it is .........the nearest I can get to an ID is a Hobby ........any ideas anyone? :-)

I have been sooooo tired this weekend ( I probably shouldn't have gone for a walk really but it was so enjoyable I'm glad I did) ......I think all the running around after mum has worn me out and started up the M.E. a bit and I've not managed to get blips on for the last couple of days........I have some to put on and will do so as soon as I have a bit of energy, but I may not be able to catch up with you all for a while, sorry :-/ ( please don't feel obliged to leave a comment as I may be too tired to respond for a while )

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