Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Lazy day. With added nose explosions.

Have spent a lazy morning watching TV in my jammies while reading blips and the Sunday Times. Then watching Question Time on iPlayer. Lots of heated discussion!

Thank you for all your combined outrage at the antics of the Pensions Department - I hope they are feeling the bad vibes!

Yesterday I got another letter containing the dreaded CF-N-1282 form. So they've sent me two extra ones, apart from the one I filled in in April. It's in the same writing, so some jobsworth is taking no chances on me saying I didn't get it. I am debating whether to fill in one form again, or two forms again, or indeed, filling in neither and writing to Ian Duncan Smith (MP for Work and Pensions) to ask why I need to fill it in again at all, given the April letter acknowledging it.

At the moment, I'm tending towards the last option, just to be annoying.

I've also been munching through the leftover wasabi peas from last night's movie event (home cinema, whole wall screen) with the neighbours (I Am Love - great). They certainly pack a punch, (and I'm meaning the wasabi peas, not the neighbours now) as most times they're not too bad, and you'll lower your guard and pop four in at once, and WOW! Your nose explodes and your eyes stream! Not literally, but it is uncomfortable for a moment or two.

It's almost the same effect as an hour on the phone with the Pensions Department! Though wasabi pea explosions are self inflicted.

Took a wee walk round the neighbourhood this afternoon (always thinking that a dog would love this) but didn't stop for a coffee. The local cafes will be noting a drop in trade, now that I've got my own coffee machine!

I rather like these Police Boxes which are around the city. Many are now little cafes and the council are actually selling them off, as the Police no longer need them. But the catch is that you'd have to move them or negotiate with the council to rent the land.

I'm in charge of dinner, and it's easy because it's an M&S meal - stick it in the oven, wait for an hour - eat. Delicious.

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