The proof of the pudding...
Here are the sweeties that were half naked here. All gone now.
The point of today's little exercise was to practice using my flash from all different angles and with different filters on the flash. Ended up using a shot with an orangey filter on. Not sure I learned very much, but I did get to eat the subjects at the end of the 'shoot' so that can't be bad. I was a bit distracted by what I hoped was a mark in the viewfinder, which sadly was showing up on the shots too. There's nothing on the lens, and it's doing it with my other lens too, but I don't understand how it can be visible through the viewfinder if it's on the sensor, or have I misunderstood the mysterious goings on inside my camera?
Anyway, I think I need a few minutes in front of a big white wall to try and figure out what's the trouble. (That'll be the proof in my pudding - tenuous link, I know.)
By the way, I've finally got around to putting up a few shots from new year:
What kids really do at parties nowadays (and do admire the fancy couch)
Fire alert
Captain of Industry
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