From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Where I live #2

A little while ago I blipped a picture with a view of fields from our front door. This morning, Mr G dragged took us for a two hour ramble through those fields. It was fun, mostly. Certainly blew some cobwebs away. We had to take a bit of a detour on the way out - our usual field was out of bounds as it is temporarily being used for cows?! - and we came home a slightly different route than he had envisaged, which contained rather a lot of woodland steps. Mr G got a full body workout as he had to lift Littler G in her pushchair over various stiles and up and down said steps, interspersed with giving Little G occasional shoulder carries. And I took pictures! All of which were a little disappointing, if I'm honest. This one was taken at about the highest point of our walk, looking back to the village (with the obligatory 'framing' tree). It looks quite flat on screen, and I suppose it isn't really very high, but it felt a bit steeper when we were there - particularly when pushing a chair into the wind.

As I've said before: it's not a very spectacular view, but it's home, and I like it.

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