Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Red Shoes

I put them right into the title and the thumbnail so you don't have to comment on them. I really don't know what is happening with this town. Coincidences abound. I shoot at least two of these every day - people that combine perfectly with their surroundings for a split second.

(A group of young students from our university asked me to join their project "A cidade fala / The City Talks", where they explore the many ways the city communicates with their population. While they will explore graffitis, murals, music, spoken word etc., they asked me to photograph written words. They are a chaotic, lively bunch, and I have no idea if this is going to lead anywhere, but I accepted their invitation and yesterday began photographing everything written on walls, signs, house and shop fronts. You can see them on my flickr page. Some of them won't make much sense to you, as they're all in Portuguese, but you may find one or another aesthetically appealing. Whenever I upload a new set, I will add a link to my blips.)  

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