Power Pole

My dear friend Trisharooni has been kind enough to lend me her much used and much loved M.Zuiko 75-300 zoom telephoto lens for a few days. Norma was out with the car and so I couldn't get to places where I could properly put the glass through its paces. And so I wandered up and down the street, taking pictures of anything which might normally have been too far away for a good shot. Actual birds (for some unknown reason) were conspicuously absent.

This is a picture of a nearby power pole as shot with the 75-300. I am almost sorry that I made the image because this close up of the subject in question does not inspire confidence, to say the least. In fairness, the powers-that-be have replaced and upgraded a lot of the local power infrastructure over the last few years. Let's hope THIS pole will be next.

Just the same, I thought the sheer ugliness of this old power pole was genuinely beautiful .... in its own way.

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