Hair Drying

Again we made it out of the house in good time this morning and I dropped the Little Misses off in the right order and headed on to my classes.
At 10.20am - ten minutes before the first class is due to start - my phone rang and I saw the dreaded school number. Miss E had just been sick and could I come and get her please.
Oh my God.
I work a few hours a couple of days a week and that's when I get the call!!!
I said I wouldn't be able to get back until 1.30pm but I'd see if my mum could pick her up.
Thankfully she could so it was Nana to the rescue!!
Lessons went well. As I get to know the mums and babies it gets easier and more fun.
It seemed to take an awfully long time to get home to Miss E but I got there eventually and she was snuggled up on the sofa with Toothless watching Project Mc2 on Netflix. She seemed OK so hopefully a day's rest today and then tomorrow's enforced day off will see the back of whatever lurgy she's harbouring.
After an afternoon's snuggling and TV viewing she declared that she was well enough to come to Miss L's swimming rather than us having to give it a miss. She took her book and sprawled out on a sofa at the leisure centre. Heaven for her!!
Less heavenly was discovering that I'd packed my swimming costume rather than Miss L's and having to buy her a new one at the ridiculously over-inflated leisure centre prices. She needs a new one anyway but they don't cost £19 in Asda. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! 
We were running late so I asked if we could run down to get her changed and then I'd come back and pay once she was in her lesson.
Obviously I might be a swimming costume thief. Who would then sit for half an hour in full view of the reception desk without paying.......
My purse was in the car so I had to run and get it.
Except it wasn't there and I had no cash or any of the cards that are generally stashed somewhere or in one pocket or another.
That's why they don't let you take stuff without paying!!!
I asked could Mr K pay over the phone which they grudgingly admitted was possible.
So I rang Mr K, thrust the phone to the man as I ripped the label off and sent Miss L running down to get changed. When I took the phone back Mr K was a bit bemused wondering what he'd just paid for!! I sent him the photo in extras to show him!!

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