TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

Allergies and


Back blipping because I needed down time.

I always take my birthday week off to leave me free to do fun things even if that's just a decent walk with K-dawg.

This year the NHS has hijacked my plans and on day 1 of my week after I'd taken my car to the garage I got to have a gastroscopy opting for no sedation because I knew I had to fetch my car back.

So Doctor Cox was great and as quick as they said (5 minutes) - we had a minor blood pressure panic - stretch your legs & arm your readings are dropping too low!!

So I know officially I do have gastritis - cause unknown unless the biopsy is infected.  Meantime the car only needed a new tyre to get through the MOT (hooray).

And in the afternoon K-dawg enjoyed APS & Jeepman visiting with a bag of her favourite treats (she insists they weren't visiting me)

PS.  I am allergic to penicillin, prawns, some soya products but not PG Tips

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