Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO


...from along the back.
Yes I know, another macro. I'm hooked and my camera and I have developed a fond relationship with four spiders in the garden. Sally down the alley, Brian on vine, and Jack and Zack along the back (I know what you're thinking and my family think I'm mad too).
This is Jack who is by far the most co-operative (Brian is very shy, and Sally has built her web in an awkward place), and he is more colourful than Zack.

(I'm sure he looks even better large, but I don't know how to do it).

These are called garden spiders. Not very imaginative - I prefer cross orbweaver, Much more fitting.
The females build the webs and sit hidden in a nearby leaf (cue Brian) with a signal thread attached to their leg to let them know when dinner has arrived. The spiders are said to take a few minutes to eat their webs each night along with many of the small insects stuck to it. They rebuild the web in the morning...
...and we thought the bees were busy!

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