Red caught my eye

It was one of those mornings, all the world and its mother was on the road as I went to pilates. The road was backed up so I managed to find a different way to avoid the queue. Turns out it was the students at Edge Hill College. I arrived just in time for pilates which is getting harder, towel and water next week. One of the women turned to me at the end and she said 'you do make us laugh Clare' a new job then clown or comic!!!
Reading was lovely, the girl now in year 2 sees me before I see her every time and she's up and walking towards me with a lovely smile. She was excited to show me the titanic model she had done with her Nana.
On my way home I passed this house I've never noticed it before and it was the red on the chimney glowing in the sun that caught my eye. The lollipop lady was in place when I walked back to my car and asked what I had been doing. She said she's sure someone lives there as a bin was out this morning and had gone this afternoon.

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