nadarsander 2000

By darsa

My neighbour Johanna

The day before yesterday was worst in half a year, yesterday was best in 8 months.
Today was good, too.

I have this assignment for myself to photograph one person/day. If I don´t meet anybody, I take a self-portrait. I had todays selfportrait taken when I went to Itäkeskus shopping center.

There I saw in a cafe a colleague of mine. whom I haven´t seen for 30 years. I sat down, and first we realized, that we both look a little older, than 30 years ago. Then we talked one hour about almost all the other subjects exept women. After we separated, I remembered, that I should have taken a portrait of him. I went after him, but he had disappeared.

I came home quite disappointed with myself, but met in stairway my neighbour Johanna, who was going to the laundry of our house, to wash her laundry. So I got my daily portrait and blip. too.

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