Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Winter is coming ...

As they say in Game of Thrones. And I had to chuck out my worn old slippers, my sheepskin companions, for they were tattered and not vegan. These are more functional but cosy and ethical; I feel better for not having bits of animal on the end of my limbs.

I went to work by myself today as TSM was working at home. It felt strange to drive the car for the first time in ages and I had to remember where everything was - one of those days when you go to indicate left and turn on the windscreen wipers.

Work itself was a painful slippery roller coaster of a day that included re-writing a paper several times before all was done. I didn’t get enough breaks, and I drank too much tea, I will be very glad when this week is over.

I came home to find TSM, The Dizzle and Miss D playing Pictionary. Dylan was flying around the house like an out of control remote control toy and stayed like that until late into the evening.

Miss D’s mum came to pick her up and Mr G dropped in for a while so it was all very busy until suddenly everyone left. I made flapjacks, or tried to; they were something of a sloppy mess. But they tasted okay.

Tomorrow is my bi-monthly day of dread; four meetings in one day. I have already booked an appointment with a GP (Gleeful Pint that is) for 6.30 with Mr Bear and anyone who wants to join us.

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