The Early Bird
...gets nothing but water since there were no peanuts for her to snatch.
Así es la vida, Baby Cardinal.
I got up early, so after taking care of the birds I got some things done around the house which have been sorely neglected. I followed that by attending the PSE special interest group (SIG). The leader, Linda, with input from others, worked on a photo of a bougainvillea I took/blipped in 2012. I thought if I included as an extra with that disclaimer, it would be okay to post, if for no other reason than to see the difference between what I knew about processing then with Picasa and today with PSE. Whatcha think?
I tried moving as much as possible during the rest of the day because I hadn't gone for a walk. So I blasted some music, put my computer on the kitchen island and did a lot of boogying and walking in place. It didn't add up to a whole lot, 1.5 miles, but decent compared to nada.
To those of you who aren't retired...
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