Mr John

By MrJohn

The last .....

..... blueberry.

The man flu is still going strong. I've been on autopilot at work all day after another night of broken sleep. Thanks again for all the well wishes and advice. I've been on the lemon and honey and paracetomal and have been adding some fresh ginger to it today ( very spicy ). I tried Spartans suggestion of a mustard bath last night, Its the closest I'm ever going to get to being beefy ;-) . I think I will just have to wait for this to run it's course and hopefully feel better in a day or two.

When I got home from work this evening I took this one shot of the last blueberry on the bush in my back garden then crashed out on my sofa and only woke up when I had a phone call a few hours later. Another early night beckons, so until I have the energy to take photos of something more interesting, today's blip is .....

..... The last blueberry.

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