
By Houseonahill6

Sunny Cromarty

First we went to the hide to see if we could spot the Little Egret that had been seen for a few days or the Osprey but the tide was a long way out and most of the waders were out to far and no sign of either. Some nice heron though and some incoming geese and lots of lapwing.
A car wash at Jemimaville and then on to Cromarty where I sat on the wall and had my lunch n the warmth of the sun watching a couple off dolphins swimming around.
Back home and I sat in the sun again this time watching the butterflies feeding on the rotting plums.
In the evening we went to see Gordon Buchanan talk about 'Animal Families and me' . Very interesting and funny too and some great clips of film :)
On the way out I was listening a little boy , about 7 , talking to his Grandpa. 'I really enjoyed that, he's very inspirational ' and then a quick change of subject he was then talking about Harry Potter saying 'when we go to Harry Potter World can we have some Butter beer ? ' , 'I do nt think so ' said Grandpa 'it's sounds horrible ' 'But it tastes of butterscotch ' said the boy, there was a pause and then he said, 'Oh I know Grandpa , you do nt like anything that is nt Alcholic do you ?'
It made me smile :)

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