Free snack

Full day at nursery. An animal has dug a hole in the wild woods! They think it might be a badger and they plan to set up a night camera to find out. CyclopsJnr appears genuinely concerned that the hole might allow a kangaroo to get in. We have been reassuring him that it is unlikely.

Macmillan coffee morning at school, so MrsCyclops grabbed a massive cake after drop off and a crispy cake for CyclopsJnr for his snack. What a splendid spread of cakes, there must have been 40 kinds and the kids had set up a lovely stall and were very polite. Amazing.

Home via the park and this bramble bush for a pre park snack.

Then! Drama! Someone nicked CyclopsJnr's balance bike. We left it at the door of the newsagent while we popped in for a minute and then it was gone! "Where my bike, Mummy?" said a confused CyclopsJnr. We looked about a bit and couldn't see it so we went back into the shop and the guys working there were so helpful. They fired up the CCTV and we saw a young boy of primary school age take it. They knew his name and where he lived. Before we knew it we were part of a modest mob of locals, off down the street to find the bike and picking up more people as we went. The bike was found in a bush and while we reunited bike and owner the main mob went on to the culprit's house. Cue much shouting, seemingly of father to errant son. We could hear it across the road... so left it at that... Grateful to the good neighbours who helped us though. CyclopsJnr appeared largely bemused.

Home for tea. CyclopsJnr wanted porridge with hand picked blackberries (again, he'd had that for breakfast) and it seemed harmless so he was allowed that for pudding.

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