Philotheca myoporoides

This beautiful little flower has magical powers, or at least CCN and I think so. It's the only one that the wombats and wallabies have left alone out of all the plants we have tried over the past three months. We've decided that we're better to stick with plants that are native to the property from now on.

Eriostemon is the name that I know the flower by and I have seen it growing in profusion on the Central Coast north of Sydney in the past when I was bushwalking in the area. We're hoping that the ones we have planted will continue to flourish and in a couple of years time they will put on quite a display.

I thought it would be good practise to use the extension tubes on my macro lens again and I was quite pleased with the result. Once again the magic of macro reveals so much detail that's just not possible with the naked eye.

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