A new venue found for .....
...... coffee !!
Feeling very very lonely today I thought I would go for a spin. I needed to get a new curtain for my hall door, which has tears in it ( caused by a little lady , who's not to be named, ) . I was really sure I could get one in Oxted , sadly the shop has gone! So NO curtain today!!!
However I then wondered up the High Street to find a coffee shop, I wasn't disappointed , I went to a place called "Toast ", a quaint shop in a original building ? It may be " listed ", I've blipped it because I was so taken with it. The shop had seating inside and out ( a little patio with black steel furniture ) . The coffee was excellent and the home made walnut and banana loaf. Served with coffee and mascarpone cream was yummy. Service was excellent too .So there was a little light on the arisen . I just had to blip the hand basin in the " ladies" and the picture on the back of the door . It was all in keeping with the shop, I'll certainly be back again.
Still need to find a curtain shop without going into Croydon , if possible.
Loneliness still remains, I know, moan , moan , moan, but that's how I feel today and if I can't speak to my journal then who can I talk to ( today anyhow !!!!)
Moan over!
I'm sitting by the pond in Godstone watching the Egyptian geese , Mallards, Coots and the Heron who's patiently waiting for a fish to appear.
It's a bit dull at the moment but not cold the trees are looking splendid in their Autumn clothing!
I've got an awful pain in my left thigh and the back of the left knee making movement really difficult , maybe that's why I feel down today also.
Well I'm off home now when I'll be able to publish this saga!!
Thankful ...... that I am able to go home and have a roof over my head , many haven't .
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