
By soulsharer

Play room...

Joel in his play room....


So, i have coming my way a new Nikon d7000 and a second hand 18-105mm nikkor lens... a set of cokin filters and...... Well, thats it!!

I wanted the D700 but pennies wouldnt stretch and in truth i didnt really stretch for the d7000 or the lens.. but i wanted a new toy!!!

So, its 1 Saturday a month overtime for me!! or anything i can get paid for to shoot.. ie.. kids parties, portraits or live gigs...

In two weeks time i have a promo shoot for a local band... they are going to have a half page advert in two national mags , a scooter mag and a vw (car) mag... My name will be in there as the photographer...

So pressure is on to do something good... ;-)

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