
By DancingAly

Disney Dad

Little Ro, in relation to the "shared" care of Little B this week....

Actually, after an all-night something, she stayed home so at least B wasn't alone and had company all day. And she did walk him in the early evening so at least that was one job less for me to do. It's actually really nice when the weather is beautiful, which it was today, but it's the time to fit it in that's the trouble, plus it's getting darker earlier.

I was supposed to have my appointment with A today, but she wasn't well so she cancelled. It strangely left me feeling really flat. I guess it's always good to be able to get things off your chest. 

So I decided to make the effort to go to the gym as I can't go tomorrow. Which was a good idea so I'm really glad I went. We did flicks and walkovers and G suggested I do them with just one person supporting which I was very nervous about. We put a block in on the other side and I did them really well. If you wait too long then you psych yourself out, so the best thing is to go for it. Not bad with a broken shoulder ;-) 

I came home feeling tired but it was good to get to the gym as it always makes you feel better. 

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