
Weary Wednesday.

The weather was beautiful, really warm and bright. We ended up going on a nature ramble to collect leaves and look for signs of Autumn this afternoon.

I went straight home and took Little B for a walk. He was delighted, and had a really lovely play with about 7 other small dogs in the park. It was like small dog central up there, and he charged about like a loon with so much pent up energy. He even vaulted over the top of one of them....

By the time we got back just after 5pm, the first drops of rain were falling. If nothing else, much as I don't want to go, I always feel better after going for a walk, plus my Fitbit quite likes that my steps go up ;-)

I had to go back to school for 6pm, to do the welcome to the year meeting. I put it out of my mind, but by the time I got back, the nerves kicked in. I've done these for the last 10 years but they never seem to get any easier.

My friends were lovely and kept saying I'd be fine, but I literally couldn't hear them as I was panicking so much. By the time we start, I want to run. i can't do this! 

But resigned to my fate, I somehow stepped up to the plate. I knew I spoke clearly and logically, but to be honest all I could feel was my chest burning and this time also my back and shoulders! Stress! 

I was so relieved when I sat down. Everybody said how well it went, but I just find public speaking so stressful so am beyond relieved when it's all over. 

Home by 7:30pm after I picked up Little B from Shelle's. FaceTimed my mum, had a bath and then finally made a smoothie for dinner at 9pm. Tried to watch catch up TV but was too tired to focus yet still didn't make it to bed before midnight...

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