Wind & rain

Got soaked on my morning walk. Ann got soaked walking to the swimming pool. (She's swum another 50 lengths towards her Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge). Ann got soaked walking back from the swimming pool. When it came to time for my afternoon walk it was still raining so Ann said, 'Molly, let's do a bit more of our 'bus route walks project'. We'll jump on a number 23 bus and walk back from Greenbank. So that is what we did.

Greenbank is not really very far away from where we live. (According to 'Strava' we only walked 2.4 miles). We pretty much walked the same route as we did yesterday apart from the first bit. We could have gone various other ways but Ann wanted us to follow the Braid Burn again so that I could have some run about, off my lead time.

I had a lovely time splishing and splashing and sploshing in the burn. I met three other collies who joined me for a bit of a splish, splash, splosh. They got into trouble because their owner didn't want them to go in the water. But do you know what?.................. their owner thought I was the prettiest little collie she had ever seen. And also, when I was on the bus, two people made friends with me and complimented Ann on how well behaved I was.

….................So now Ann is feeling like a 'very proud mummy'!!!

...................And now it's stopped raining and the sun has come out.  It's a lovely evening.........................  BUT we're not going anywhere??!!

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