An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Where Goin' Dad?

I don't want to speak too soon, but I do believe I woke up feeling slightly better this morning.  Not as much coughing through the night and my voice is slightly stronger.  I've been able to say a whole sentence without getting out of breath or ending it with a coughing fit.

When I got downstairs this morning, Lola had had her breakfast, been in the garden to do her business and have a play, and was on the look out for cuddles.  I was more than happy to be that person so she snuggled on my lap, lay her head on my left arm and promptly fell asleep as I tickled her left ear and under her jaw.  

The sense of well being I get from her warm little body cuddling into me and the complete and utter trust she shows in me by closing her eyes is so precious and I forgive her the devil puppy moments :-)

This afternoon the couple who are buying our dining room unit came with their two sons and a pick up truck to collect it.  They're a lovely couple who live not too far from us and I am happy it's going to a good home.  Just the table and chairs to go now. 

Afterwards we had to go to B&Q to pick up paint for the painter tomorrow as well as a couple of testers (yes the painter is here and there are still rooms that we haven't made up our minds about!)   We thought this would be another good opportunity to get Lola used to the car and combine it with a trip the park on the way back.

Lola was good in the car, for the most part lying down and cuddling Goldie. Every so often she would pop up just to check we were still there and the car wasn't driving itself :-)  I should mention that she is restrained in the back and not just sitting loose.  It wasn't till we were on the road that we realised her harness gives her more leeway than her collar does so we tightened her up for the return journey.

Paint and testers bought, we headed back to the park and it was only as David got Lola out the back, we realised she'd been sick.  Lovely.  She was fine though and had a lovely time in the park, exploring and running around, pawing leaves, meeting other dogs and generally showing off.  She even did a pee, which we were delighted about as apparently it can take a while for puppies to realise they can pee in the park and they wait till they get back to their garden.

She was filthy when she got back to the car.  I think we can safely say her wrapping is off!  

As we only live two minutes from the park Lola sat at my feet in the front of the car for the journey home.  She was happy to come in the house with me as I prepared her dinner and she scoffed it while David had the lovely task of cleaning up the sick.  Thank heavens for the plastic back seat cover.

We've had a bit of a lazy evening although chunk of that has been spent keeping Lola off the sofa.  She's taken to standing on her back legs whilst playing with her toys on the set of the sofa with her front legs!  Silly girl!

And that's another weekend almost over.  They are flying by! 

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