B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Happy First

Chloe's first birthday party was today. Sad that it had to rain this morning, as I know Dave & Kristen would've rather have held the party outside.

Chloe didn't seem to care - or mind! She was her happy self, welcoming everyone with her heartwarming smiles. She hadn't seen us in over a month, and I worried that she would need a minute to warm up to us. Me, especially, as I'm sporting new glasses... my worries were silly - I sat on the floor in the living room with the kids. Within a few minutes, she found her way over to me and climbed right up on my lap and snuggled. Gosh, I love that!

Her birthday gifts were opened one by one, each very different. Books, a cute fleece jacket, toys, games, clothes and then it was our turn. Kristen gave her the rattle/teether first (which later, Kristen had to force away from her to eat her cake! I guess that one's a keeper!) . Kristen and Dave were more excited by the Canon for Chloe - I think Chloe was overwhelmed with what was going on. I plan to reintroduce her to it at my next visit.

It's hard to believe that a year has past since her birth. She's warmed my heart with her snuggles, her smiles and her sweetness. I love her to pieces and can't wait to watch her grow over this next year!

Happy Birthday Sweetpea!

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