Where I've been, where I'm going....
Almost all my time the last few weeks has been spent at music lessons or rehearsals or practicing in between. Those blue blocks on the calendar? Classes, rehearsals, private lessons, seminars. Which is why I've not been commenting on Blip as much as I like to.
I started my voice teacher apprenticeship on September 11th - a year-long program at the Transformational Voice Institute. It's a lot of work, but what could be better than being immersed in something you love and have been passionate about all your life?? So I don't get to complain about being too busy or tired.
I do get fatigued easily because of the way my nerves and muscles work (or don't work!) and I had concerns about being able to keep up with this program. But the thing about music is: it's a healing art. I may feel too tired to lift a book, but once I start singing, it's like getting a massage from the inside out -- energizing, restorative, even relaxing.
I realized this last week how completely blessed I am to have some of the most amazing teachers on the planet, both at the Institute and in the choir I've been in for the last four years. (I wasn't sure I'd be able to stay in the choir during my apprenticeship, but I think I can manage it, at least this term.)
If you'd told me five years ago I'd be on track to be a voice teacher at age 62, I'd have given you the phone number for a good shrink. But here I am! You just never know where the path may lead once you summon up the courage to set foot on it (even with a walker!).
P.S. The iPad has been invaluable for my classes, for note taking, recording audio and video, taking photos of white boards, even recording songs with separate tracks! (And, of course, the calendar.) So glad I invested in it.
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