Postcards from India

By Emacfarlane

Inside the bird's bower

I'm studying Bower Birds this week. They're these cheeky wee guys which go round the forest collecting all sorts of blue items to bring back to there Bower. the bower is the wigwamy structure in the pic which they make out of sticks and then paint with chewed up plant bits. They do all this to impress the ladies- more blue items and a nice lookin' bower= more sexy time for the lads. They also perform this mad little dance which includes hopping around with something blue in his beak and making growling raspy noises and then backing up and wiggling his tail.

In this bower I found mentos wrappers, several pens, blue straws, blue tape, and a few mushrooms for good luck.

Also saw Rainbow lorikeets and Crimson Rosellas They were lush!

Had a chat with the old warden, he's worked at Lamington since he was 15. He likes bees, birds, bush tucker and old American cars. He says things like "mate it's a hoot of a place, a hoot of a place."

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