
By Hamp5on

Dona Dorinha

This is Dona Dorinha and Seu Geleno's hut. They are both in their 80s and live in a hut with no electricity, she still works the land growing food, he is blind and pretty much confined to his hammock. It was SO odd to be there with my dad and daughter... Their place is very sparse when it comes to furniture - 2 hammocks, a few chairs and a cupboard for their few plates etc. It's humbling to be with people like this.

We're doing lent meetings every night in different people's homes - well actually, outside their homes! So many people have been coming to them (30 and upwards) that there's not enough room inside huts!! We sing and read a bit of the Bible, and share a blessing we had that day... It's a blessing being here with these wonderful people, doing life together.

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