Tiny Tuesday Birds

Wrperry is hosting and this is not a macro but they are tiny.

Yesterday, in our newly formed Blackheath Photo Group, Beckett gave us a great talk about photographing birds.

We are spending a few days at the farm so I have been charging around trying to put his tips into practice.

One thing he mentioned was that you can usually predict when a bird is about to take off.
He may be able to but I don't know if these are too sure if the time is right!

I also discovered some are quite content to just walk around picking at the grass despite my stalking them, in focus, for ages waiting for action.
Short of throwing something at them to spur them into flight I just gave up in the end.

I have learnt why people can get a bit addicted to bird photography.
It's such a challenge and these little ones are so quick.
They were very cute too. I got quite a few shots of them interacting. 
Does anyone know if they interbreed?
I assume not, but they were certainly very friendly (in a platonic way I mean).

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