Murphy's Lore

By stevemurphy

Magnus ...

... was closing his shop down. Looked like he had been here for many years, he [and the other chaps I met within a 100 yds and 10 minutes - [the photography gods were looking down on me today]] was a thoroughly great guy and let take some pictures inside his shop. When I asked 'do you mind if I take your photo' he said 'yes' but I took that as 'yes, please carry on'. I did and he smiled and we shook hands.

The other two shots I'm adding are;

1. Paul, following a Gourmet's tour of Europe with his guide book. He called his trip, 'Travels with the Colonel' after the author of the 1908 book he was using as his guide, and
2. Linus, owner of Sound Pollution, 'anything Rock, has to be Rock'.

All at Stora Nygatan, Sweden.

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