A very mixed .....
...... day!!!
I went to the club this a.m. was disappointed that I was 4 lengths short of my goal!
Then went to buy the curtain I failed to find on Saturday, only to be told , because of all the building work going on this department was temporarily close !
Then shopping , which felt like climbing a mountain , realising this was , maybe due to forgetting my meds., I Plowed on . Of course I just HAD to forget an item!
Carrying my shopping indoors was another obstacle , if I dropped my stick once I must have dropped it a dozen times, and together with my drive being blocked and having to get out of car and ask the builder to move ( he had no need to be where he was as there was a space in front of the house he was working at ?grr)
I then put some washing in the machine and my shopping away. Still forgetting my meds , gradually feeling worse and worse, eventually I remembered them at 3pm. So must remember to take them late'ish tomorrow.
Still , the weather was again kind to us here, and these New Guinea Impaients are just going strong even tho' it is 3rd October .
Thankful .... to have taken my meds and sat down with a cuppa
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