Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Phantom Fruit Feef..

.. Squirrels eh?

I'm all behind with photos and blipping.

I apologise for the lack of comments, and I look forward to being back a bit more regularly.
There has been an Elderly who has needed some regular visits and something had to give. I'm afraid it was blip.

Comments will be lacking tonight owing to the sudden realisation that I'm on a course tomorrow and some revision must be attempted.
(If I write it in the third person it sounds less as though the onus is upon me?).

Unprepared then.

As ever.

I expect I'll be having one of those dreams tonight.
You know the ones?
Where you leave for school in a cavalier fashion gaily waving aside the concerns of your Mother.
And only get really bothered about being naked when you're actually sitting the exam...?

(Just me then?)... :-/

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