
By Fido

We spent the bulk of the day with the super skellies today, a brilliant brunch followed by a fun cycle through the nearby woods (for some), plentiful cups of tea (and fancy coffee) and good chat.

In the late afternoon we moved the party back to ours (losing one of their kids and gaining two extras in the process) so that we could go on a scarecrow hunt a round the town and finish the day with a BBQ.

The scarecrows are part of our nearest churches' 175th anniversary celebrations. St Andrews church is celebrating with a number of events through the year, including this weekend a flower and scarecrow festival. Inside the church building there has been an amazing sight of floral displays and outside, and indeed around the town, scarecrows have been popping up everywhere. Some are amazing, some are terrifying and some downright wierd.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love our town.

Interestingly our little church is also 175 years old this year, opening its doors just a few months before St Andrews. Of course we are too focussed on higher things disorganised to get round to organising such a range of fun celebratory events.

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