Fire sky over Lincoln

The sky seemed like it was on fire tonight as I drove from home to customer tasting in Grimsby, past old haunts including Brigsley, where V lived.
Bad night's sleep, cold / flu symptoms... and feel like I'm fighting for my corner all the time at the moment - having to defend/ justify myself to various people. Was in tears to "I won't back down" on the way to work (Tom Petty has always been a favourite) - "there ain't no easy way out" seemed to hit hard for some reason.
Then manager just seened to be "questioning me" (as in being critical) on everything - why I wanted those wines, why I cared about changing name of recently married customer, why I wanted Christmas catalogues (to show the customers and sell to them, durr!!), why I wanted more customer gifts than I had appointments (because I'm hoping to book several more from home...), why I hadn't confirmed Saturday's WTE (had left voicemail and sent text). Etc., etc. Usually these days I just shrug my shoulders and brush it off, especially when I am 'flying' sales-wise. But after my bad night I couldn't cope, so I left at lunchtime saying I was ill and needed a nap before my appointment (I did sleep for 3 hours, which helped).
Anyway, you win some, you lose some - and it was another "win" with a decent sale, and a "loss" on the scales, so that's two bonuses today. Sadly looks like I'll come up short on the turnover needed for the Bose speakers, will probably get suitcase instead - it's a sign, I should book for Portugal for Feb half term...
Area manager phoned me to ask if I could sell wine at wine festival in Telford over half term... which is a good thing I think... wonder if there are enough folks who'd be interested in a tasting in Sutton one night while I'm there...??

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