
On the first Wednesday of every month, I usually go to The Stove with Lizzie for our fix of "Stitching Dumfries". This month, due to other things happening at the Stove, the stitching was cancelled so I had a day at home.

In the morning, I took Jess for a damp run up Newtonairds Hill. In the afternoon, Sarah and I got out an old stitching project which I started before she was born, but which I hope will be finished before she goes back to London!

D gave me this beautiful Kaffe Fasset tapestry rug kit in 1989 when we were both working in Gateshead and had a bit of disposable income (but not a great deal of spare time). Over the next 10 years, we moved house about 10 times, including a year in the USA, had three children and a dog, and bit by bit the tapestry got done. Usually on long winter evenings in front of the fire.

Cut to October 2017. The nights are drawing in, the children are all leaving home and we are on our third dog. Time to put in those final stitches and finish the project, I think!

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