A bit of blue (Day 881)

The noise of the wind seemed even louder this morning, and as I got ready to take the woofers up the hill, rain battered on the window. Luckily the rain eased off and we had a dry walk.
I had a call out to a "leak" in Stromness and zoomed across ready to wield spanners and exterminate leaks. As it turned out, the leak was just drops of condensation on a cold pipe. A bit of a waste of time. I was soon back home and getting organised to do some paperwork when I had another call out to a loo which was continually running. I arrived to find the customer had switched off the water supply to the cistern. I turned the water on to find the problem had disappeared. Another wasted journey.
I arrived home to find my beautiful wife had returned from work. Whilst we had lunch, a delivery driver arrived bringing me a new brain bucket (see the extra). A fabulous hand made carbon fibre creation which is incredibly light. I can't wait to get out on the bike again. I will probably blip the skid lid again sometime, because it is just so lovely.
We zoomed off to a very windy Wasdale where we were lucky to avoid the rain, and actually see some sunshine. Walking back to the car into the wind was hard work.
I got a bit more done on the bathroom quote before a trip out to look at another job, and into town to collect bits for the job tomorrow.
Fingers crossed the wind stops soon...

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