Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

I love these guys...

It has been a busy day, so the only shot I took was of our neighborhood firehouse while stopped a moment waiting for a school bus.

I love these guys. Oh yeah. They saved my house years back, and danged if they didn't all look very handsome doing it too.

It was an amazing fire, because it was only by "happenstance" that we ended up coming home in time to catch it while it was confined up stairs and inside. It happened during such a drought that had it taken off, I'm afraid it would have caused damage to other homes as well.

The firefighters were shocked that the whole thing didn't explode, but I do think we had angels watching over. While it burned almost everything upstairs, it did not get any of our photographs, and a favorite old book Be Here Now by Ram Dass ($3.33) did not get burned. Also my old-knock-around-I-really-love-ya guitar was unscathed, although the case was pretty shot.

The guinea pig and pup got out without any harm too. But, really, all because of the people who work right here. I wish they would let us bring them things to say thanks, but they won't. Not even a cake or anything.

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