Change of routine

My normal routine is; I have a 30-45 min walk on my lead in the morning and then I have a 60-90 min walk in the afternoon which usually includes lots of run about time off my lead. But........................... now we're in Scotland (where it will soon be very dark in the mornings and very dark in the in the afternoons) and Ann has got a new job and is working 11-3.30pmish, three days a week. So my routine has to change?!

Apparently on the days that Ann works I'm going to get my big walk and run about between 8.30-9.30am, then we will watch Jeremy Kyle have breakfast, Ann will go to work and when she comes home I will have an 'on my lead' walk around the streets in the dark!

This morning Ann said, 'Molly, let's try out your new routine. We'll go to Braidburn Valley Park and you can have a run about and do some splish, splash, sploshing in the burn.'

Best laid plans and all that........................... Sometimes I don't want to get up in the mornings. And sometimes it takes me a while to get going. And sometimes taking me for a morning walk is not very enjoyable. Ann's words, not mine! Today was one of those days. The minute I got outside I was walking slower than a snail. Ann was angry with me. She said, 'Molly, if I'd wanted a snail for a pet I would have got one.' She got quite a few funny looks from the mummies walking their kids to school, but she didn't care. She always talks to me when we're out on our walks. And incidently why do all Edinburgh kids 'scoot' to school? It's very annoying for a gorgeous little collie having to dodge scooters all the time.

Anyway because I was being so 'snail like' I got a half hour 'drag' around the streets on my lead. And then when Ann came home from work I was full of beans so I got a walk in Braidburn Valley Park after all. Yay!!! How good was that?!

The only trouble with dictating to Ann where and when I walk is..................... In another month it will be dark in the afternoon (when Ann comes home from work) and she's only going to walk me where there's street lights........................ I don't know why??? I could always wear my illuminating flashing collar if we wanted to go to woods or parks or hills??!!!

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