A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Another one

Stuck for a blip again Sarah?


Blip one of your paintings then?

Sounds reasonable.

Full day again including having to go to a meeting this afternoon where I was transformed into a Grandma and I was taught how to suck eggs. Me and another Deputy Head from the school were required to go to this meeting, and for the two hours that we were there, we gained very little from it. What it did mean was that 2 of my senior classes had to be covered for me to go out of school - and frankly - I would have been better in school in front of my kids, where I wanted to be.

That said, its been a good day, in fact its been a really positive week. Good set of exam results came in yesterday which has given us a strong early indicator of summer performance for this year. Then today the 'league tables' were published, and for the first year ever, we aren't propping up the bottom of our table. Hurrah...and we know that next year will be even better.

Parents evening with Year 11 (final year for those not in the know) - I love Parents evening - particularly with the seniors because its great to see parents who you have basically worked with for five years - and with my group, its been a real opportunity to say lots of positives and I love it when parents and kids go away with big smiles. One particular lad has blossomed into the nicest kid you could ever hope to meet (it was touch and go in his first two years at high school! he could have been a demon) - and his Dad just grinned for 5 whole minutes as I told him how proud I was and how hard his son had worked. Love it.

Home, via Subway for a 6 inch sub (can't manage a big one!), a brew, Hollyoaks (the 'catchup') then proceeded to clean the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen and move some books back downstairs. I'm sorry -I just can't help myself :-)

So, with regards to the painting - its actually nearly 4 years old - it was one of the first ones I did...so technically its crap! Ironically, it was painted at quite possibly the shittiest point in my life to this date, when there wasn't much love around, But I LOVE it even so - can't put my finger on why though ...

and whenever I see it, there's a particular song that just pops into my head ...

wondering if it has the same effect on anyone else???

Have a great Friday and lovely weekend.

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