An afternoon at Perranporth

This afternoon we met 'Seascapes' at Perranporth. Perranporth is fab! It has the most massive beach when the tide is out..................................... and the tide was way out today.

Since Ozzy (my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend) has been staying with us, I've not had any playtime with my bouncy ball. That's because the last time I played ball with Ozzy he chewed it up. Today, Ann said I could take my blue bouncy ball to the beach. She gave Ozzy a little pep talk before he got out of the car. She said that I loved my bouncy balls and if he wanted to play with me he had to respect my belongings and not vandalise my stuff!

..................Ozzy doesn't understand a word Ann says to him! He just looks at her with his 'handsome, I'm a gorgeous pedigree golden retriever look'............. and Ann just lets him do whatever he wants?!! ...............................which today was chew up my blue bouncy ball.

It would serve him right if I got his favourite toy, which is 'yellow sheep' and made a little hole in it and sucked all the stuffing out. I bet he wouldn't find that very funny?!

......................I think today we're having our first row????? Nothing is ever straight forward in a relationship is it?

Anyway, after Ozzy had chewed up my blue bouncy ball we had to find something else to do so we went wallowing in rock pools and swimming in the sea. Then after about an hour Ann & Seascapes went to the 'Beach Bar' for a coffee. That was a bit boring for me and Ozzy so we both dug holes in the sand underneath the picnic table. .............................See, we do have some 'shared interests'.

Both of us are very tired now so we are snoozing in our beds.

............................Seperately................... I still haven't persuaded Ozzy to sleep with me??!!!!!!!!

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