A natural abstract....

....found on the side of a building & I really loved the flowy shapes.
All went well with day 4 of the chemo.  Got out fairly quickly so we ran some errands, the last being a stop at the ATM machine at the bank to withdraw some funds, only to have it say I'd reached my maximum amount for the day, causing me to panic since I hadn't used my debit card nor had I withdrawn any money. I went into the bank where they checked it out for me--seems my maximum amount that can be withdrawn is considerably lower than usual (who knew??  You can tell how seldomly I use the ATM's).  I had visions of someone fraudulently using my card, esp. after the data breach at Equifax! But it turns out I'd requested more than my maximum, so it had locked me out.  The lady in the bank very nicely raised my amount, reset the ATM code on my account so I'd no longer be locked out for the day, and went up to the teller to get my money!  Top notch customer service!! :))

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