Looking up

Project Squirrel kicked off for the season today. Essential and high priority tasks for this project include running at top speed, sitting at the bottom of trees with a fixed stare, feigning complete deafness and making a funny little high pitched bark which is saved especially for the occasion. I find it a little annoying but actually, not as annoying as some work projects which are requiring my talking firmly to clients. It's been a while. Turns out they haven't changed much since I last had to speak to one.

Then a wander at top speed around the careers fair at Daisy's school, collected prospectuses which essentially all say the same words, nearly went and asked about a job for me (there was a relevant company), came home. Oh and before that visited the car wash to unsuccessfully remove the 50 bird shits deposited on The Beast's windscreen and bonnet. Teach me for parking under the only tree around.

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