Rainy Monday

Other than the persistant drizzle that we;ve had, today has been a surprisingly good day. It started off worrying as Asha had a check up on her head at Addenbrookes. She was terrified but we were 99% sure that everything was fine - you can't help but worry though right? Anyway, 2.20pm-ish I get the phone call saying that she's fine, her head has passed it's MOT for the year :) Such a relief! Especially for Asha. She will definitely get a good night's sleep tonight :)

In other news, it was my first proper day at uni and we spent the morning learning about colour which included getting our first assignment *gulp*. We then developed the colour film we had taken pictures with - not a great success I have to say. Well the developing part was - I loved that! Sadly out of the roll of 24 I think there are only 2 that were okay. The rest were either over or under exposured. Damn, it's hard using a manual film camera! I have another colour & another black and with film to practise with though, second time lucky right?

The the day was topped off by a visit from some old friends of both mine & Asha's, my friend Sharon and her daughter Jenny. It was lovely seeing them again and we have mentioned a wine night in the near future which will be something to look forward to :)

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