It seemed strange going back to the shop today after two weeks away; it took a lot of catching up on the comings and goings of the Amazon books; and then there was the computer upstairs to sort out and a new printer to install; quite a busy afternoon.
I associate October with autumn, but it's been a bit of a strange end to the summer with a mixture of all sorts of weather. Today was actually quite pleasant, and I'm not totally convinced autumn is actually here yet, especially when looking at the trees many of them are still decked in green, though there are some signs of yellow tints. I'm sure many of the dead leaves on the ground are left over from last year.
The Silver Birch, subject of today's picture, shows a fairly full head of green leaves from that angle, though I took it mainly because I'm fascinated by the bark on these trees which are constantly peeling; I'm not sure if that changes with the seasons.
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