pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

bite my tongue-i won't say a word against anyone

This week was my turn to suggest a theme, and I've suggested the theme of "people" as I thought that neither of us (as in me, rhiannon and julia) really takes that many pics of people - it's going to be a hard one!!

The thing is, I really like photographing people! However, I found it so much easier going up to strangers when I was travelling and asking them if they minded me taking a picture, whereas here in London it's a bit strange. If I do see someone that catches my eye who I want to take a picture of, it always feels really intrusive and I end up backing out. I'm looking forward to the photography course I have signed up to do later this month which is all about photographing people to see if they have any tips!

Until then, this is a very boring picture of me!

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