Indian Summer

My long work day - a very frustrating morning as we are in the process of changing to a new accounting software. I am kind of leading it due to my role and I felt I wasted hours today going round in circles. But anyway, success was achieved so not a complete waste of a day.

Our colleague Caroline chased Sally and I out of the office for our lunch so she could clean. As it was beautiful out, we went for a wander. Sally was having chemotherapy up until the end of July and is only now starting to feel energetic again so it will as good to get her out - I’m always happy to go for a walk.

The afternoon only improved after solving my frustrations with the software followed by cakes courtesy of Caroline to celebrate her birthday.

Home now and awaiting the return of MrRoly. His Aberdeen-Manchester flight was delayed again but fortunately the pilots on the Manchester-Exeter flight locked themselves out of the cockpit so that flight was delayed too...

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