Calm (Day 883)

It was a bit strange to wake up this morning and not hear the wind. The morning wander up the hill was much more pleasant in a gentle breeze rather than the gale we have put up with for so long. Talisker thoroughly enjoyed himself trying to catch pheasants in the heather.
Back home, and after sorting a few things out, my beautiful wife and I took a trip out on the bikes to see how we got on with the new brain buckets. I am very impressed with mine. It fits really well and is much quieter than the old skid lid. A really great buy! We took a bit of a circuitous route to Mum and Dad's where we had a coffee and catch up after their trip south.
After zooming home for lunch, we took the woofers to Aikerness and thoroughly enjoyed a walk on the beach without having to battle against the wind. We were even able to have a conversation which didn't involve shouting. As we wandered, HV suggested that we drop the dogs off at home and head to Coldomo to have a bit of a ride on Billy and Mrs Billy.
I was pretty pleased with myself as a very inexperienced rider, I dealt reasonably well with Billy spooking at something in the undergrowth and having a bit of a spin about.
We returned home for me to find an email to tell me I have got a bathroom job I put in an estimate for a couple of days ago. It is a pretty big job and will pay me reasonably well. Hurrah!
Today has been a great day. I think that a beer is in order :)

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